How Mammals Prevailed
Scientific American 326(6), June 2022. They scurried in the shadows of dinosaurs for millions of years until a killer asteroid created a new world of evolutionary opportunity
Mammalian Phylogeny
From Encyclopedia of the Human Genome. Explores the evolutionary tree of mammals, which is being resolved rapidly by the increased availability of DNA sequences.
From the UXL Complete Life Science Resource. This reference article describes the branch of Zoology that deals with the scientific study of mammals, including anatomy, physiology behavior, ecology, evolution, and classification.
From the Gale Encyclopedia of Science. This brief reference article describes the species that belong to the vertebrate class Mammalia, including physical description, adaptation to habitats, reproduction and care of young. See also from this source:
Mammals Grew Big and Then Got Smart
Science News 201(9), May 2022. Most modern mammals have relatively large brains, so studies that examine only modern species might conclude that large brains evolved once in mammal ancestors. But relative to their body sizes, Paleocene mammals had brains that were smaller than those of Mesozoic mammals.
Wildlife Populations Around the World See 'Catastrophic' Falls
New Scientist 247(3300), September 2020. The article examines that global wildlife populations are plummeting, according to the 2020 Living Planet Report by conservation group WWF.
Mammal (an overview)
ScienceDirect. Mammalia, defined as the most recent common ancestor of monotremes, metatherians (marsupials and their closest relatives), and eutherians (placentals and their closest relatives) and all descendants of that ancestor, first appears in the Middle Jurassic.
Mammal Pictures & Facts
National Geographic. They are found on every continent and in every ocean, and range in size from tiny bumblebee bats to enormous blue whales.
Mammalia (mammals)
Animal Diversity Web. Detailed but accessible description of the characteristics, behavior, habitats, and conservation of Class Mammalia.
National Geographic Kids. Mammals include humans and all other animals that are warm-blooded vertebrates (vertebrates have backbones) with hair. They feed their young with milk and have a more well-developed brain than other types of animals.
National Wildlife Federation. Explore facts and photos about mammals found in the United States. Learn about their range, habitat, diet, life history, and more.
Marine Mammals
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Marine mammals are found in marine ecosystems around the globe. They are a diverse group of mammals with unique physical adaptations that allow them to thrive in the marine environment with extreme temperatures, depths, pressure, and darkness.