The Works Cited list contains full citations for any sources you quoted or paraphrased in your writing:
The list is arranged in alphabetical order by the surname of the first named author of a work; the first word of a corporate author name; or the first word of the title of a work when no author is named.
Information that should be included in a Works Cited entry is listed in the MLA template of core elements.
You can find definitions, formats, and guidelines for describing each element accurately and consistently in the MLA Handbook, 9th edition, Chapter 5, "The List of Works Cited."
Print Book - One Author
Author. Title of Source. Publisher, Publication Date.
Watts, Cedric Thomas. Conrad’s Heart of Darkness: A Critical and Contextual Discussion. Rodopi, 2012.
eBook from a Database
Author. Title of Source. Publisher, Publication Date. Title of Container, Location.
Watts, Cedric. Conrad’s Heart of Darkness: A Critical and Contextual Discussion. Rodopi, 2012. EBSCOhost,
Online Scholarly Article - Two Authors - With DOI
Authors. "Title of Source." Title of Container, version, number, Publication Date, Location.
Pittner, Fruzsina, and Iain Donald. "Gaming the Heart of Darkness." Arts, vol. 7, no. 3, 2018, pp. 1-13,
Scholarly Article from a Database - Three or More Authors - No DOI
Authors, "Title of Source." Title of Container, version, number, Publication Date, Location. Title of Container, Location.
Czernichowski, Konrad, et al. “Polish African Studies at a Crossroads: Past, Present and Future.” Africa Spectrum, vol. 47, no. 2/3, 2012, pp. 167–185. JSTOR,
Web Page on a Website
Author. "Title of Source." Title of Container, Publication Date, Location.
Attridge, John. “How Conrad’s Imperial Horror Story ‘Heart of Darkness’ Resonates with our Globalised Times.” The Conversation, 22 May 2018,
Self-Contained Web Page - No Author
Title of Source. Publisher, Publication Date, Location. Supplemental Information.
Postcolonial Literature Introduction. Schmoop University, 2021, Accessed 5 Oct. 2021.
YouTube Video - Uploader/No Author
"Title of Source." Title of Container, Supplemental Information, Publication Date, Location.
“Heart of Darkness - Thug Notes Summary and Analysis.” YouTube, uploaded by Wisecrack, 5 Nov. 2013,
This Works Cited List contains the sample citations previously referenced.
MLA Style Center: Citations by Format
Examples for 5 basic source types: books; online works; songs, recordings & performances; movies, videos & television shows; and images.
Purdue Online Writing Lab: MLA Works Cited Page (Basic Format)
Basic and updated rules; links to citation examples by format.