What Are Library Research Databases?
Library research databases are searchable collections of information from published works.
How Databases Work
- highly formatted records are created for articles in the database
- records contain specific information fields such as author, title, subject, publication date, abstract
- database search engine scans the fields selected by user for keyword(s) entered into search box(es)
- articles that match the user's criteria are included in results
- facets/limiters may be used to narrow search results by subject, date range, document type, etc.
Database Characteristics
- you can search in selected fields like author, title, subject, keyword, or in article full text
- most (but not all) databases include full-text articles
- you can save, print, or email articles to yourself
- citations in multiple formats may be provided but should be checked for accuracy
Database Information Sources
- articles from periodicals (magazines, journals, newspapers)
- articles from encyclopedias and other reference works
- chapters or sections from eBooks
- reports and dissertations
SVCC Database Subscriptions
The SVCC Learning Commons Library subscribes to a number of research databases with content that is aligned with academic disciplines. The full list of online research databases with descriptions and links to tutorials can be accessed from the Articles & More link on the library's home page.