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Library Resources for Evolution

Animals That Changed Humanity Forever
Discover 45(5), September/October 2024. This article explores the process of domestication and its impact on humanity, focusing on three key domesticated animals: dogs, cattle, and goats. 

Anthropogenic Evolution
Scientific American 330(6), June 2024. This article explores the concept of anthropogenic evolution, which refers to the evolutionary changes in species caused by human activities. 

Cambrian explosion
From Encyclopedia of Evolution. Explores the rapid diversification of complex animals, particularly animals with hard skeletons, occurred in the oceans of the world.

Darwin, Charles
From Encyclopedia of Evolution. Biography of "the scientist whose perseverance and wisdom changed the way professional scientists, amateurs, and almost everyone else viewed the world."

Encyclopedia of Evolution Articles

Evolution: Overview
From UXL Ignition Science : Collaborative Projects. The world is full of an amazing array of life-forms, each with its own unique traits and abilities. In the nineteenth century scientists sought to explain the reasons for the diversity of life on our planet. The result was the theory of evolution.

How Birds Branched Out
Scientific American 323(5), November 2020. The article offers information on evolution of birds. Topics include examines that birds are dinosaurs, the only lineage to survive to the present day.

Mammalian Phylogeny

From Encyclopedia of the Human Genome. Explores the evolutionary tree of mammals, which is being resolved rapidly by the increased availability of DNA sequences. 

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License