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Library Resources for Insects

From the Gale Science Online Collection. This is a comprehensive topic overview that describes taxonomy, physical characteristics, nutrition, and behaviors, with some species differentiation.

From The Gale Encyclopedia of Science. This topic overview includes the following sections: Development and Life Cycle; The Egg; The Caterpillar; The Chrysalis; The Adult (or Imago); Reproduction; Migration; Vulnerability and Defense; and Conservation.

From UXL Complete Life Science Resource. This r
eference article describes and summarizes the branch of Zoology that deals with the scientific study of insects.

From The Hutchinson Unabridged Encyclopedia with Atlas and Weather Guide. This brief article summarizes the insect order that comprises over 100,000 species, including the bees, wasps, and ants. 

Insect Threats and Conservation Through the Lens of Global Experts
Conservation Letters 14(4), July 2021. The aim of this study is to use global expert opinion to provide insights on the root causes of potential insect declines worldwide, as well as on effective conservation strategies that could mitigate insect biodiversity loss.

Lepidoptera: Butterflies, Skippers, and Moths
From The Arctic Guide: Wildlife of the Far NorthDescription of the development, characteristics, and geographic range of Lepidoptera.

The Parasitic Insects, Mites, and Ticks
From Foundations of Wildlife Diseases. This comprehensive article focuses mainly on the parasitic insects, mites, and ticks that cause diseases of terrestrial vertebrates.

Pollination and Pollinators
From Encyclopedia of Insects. This reference article features descriptions of pollination (including crop pollination and tropical pollination) and the pollinators, their processes and relationships.

Toward Real-Time Monitoring of Insect Species Populations
Insect biodiversity and abundance are in global decline, potentially leading to a crisis with profound ecological and economic consequences. This article proposes a computer vision model that works towards multi-objective insect species identification in real-time and on a large scale.

A to Z of Insects
Amateur Entomologists' Society. The world of insects is as fascinating as it is diverse. You can find out information by browsing the list of insect orders or using this A to Z list.

Classification of Insects
Royal Entomological Society. The classification of insects can be complex but it is very important to group and identify insects so that they can be studied reliably. Insects, like all animals, are classified using a hierarchical system of classification. 

Insect Taxonomy
Science Learning Hub Pokapū Akoranga Pūtaiao. Insects are invertebrates with six legs, three body sections, antennae and a hard exoskeleton. Insects are the most diverse group of animals on the planet, meaning that they have the largest number of species.

Insects, Arachnids and Other Arthropods
Science News Explores. All living arthropods have two key characteristics in common: hard exoskeletons and legs with joints. That last should come as no surprise.

Introduction to Insects
Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences. This is an online publication that can be downloaded as a pdf document. It addresses the topics of insect structure, insects order descriptions, and insect conservtion.

National Wildlife Federation. An invertebrate is a cold-blooded animal with no backbone. Invertebrates can live on land—like insects, spiders, and worms—or in water.

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