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Community Services @SVCC Library

The Learning Commons Library offers services to the Sauk Valley Community

Google Scholar

Google Scholar Search

Google Scholar provides a simple way to search across many disciplines to find relevant scholarly research. Availability of full text documents is indicated by a link that appears to the right of a search result. Use the tools menu  to find an Advanced Search page that helps you set up a search that will produce fewer and more focused results. The Searching Google Scholar page contains links to helpful tips for using Scholar and Advanced Search. 

Academic Websites

A leading platform for massive open online courses (MOOCs), search for courses, boot camps, and programs leading to certificates and degrees.

Free educational resources on a variety of subjects, in a variety of formats.

Khan Academy
Online video library covering primarily math and science, but also many other topics.

Legal Information Institute
"A not-for-profit group that believes everyone should be able to read and understand the laws that govern them, without cost."

Over 7000 free mini-lessons and example videos organized by course and topic.
Pros and Cons of Controversial Issues from an independent, nonpartisan, nonprofit organization.
Consumer health information.

Health & Wellness Websites

Browse health conditions, explore health and wellness topics, search for product reviews, or connect with communities of interest.

Mayo Clinic: Diseases and Conditions
Browse through comprehensive guides on hundreds of conditions or use the A-Z list to find a disease or condition by its first letter.

National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health
NCCIH conduct sand support research and provides information about complementary health products and practices.

Browse medical conditions, research drugs and supplements, or use the symptom checker to identify possible conditions and treatments.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License