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Community Services @SVCC Library

The Learning Commons Library offers services to the Sauk Valley Community

List of Illinois Governmental Agency Websites

Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority
ICJIA is dedicated to improving the administration of criminal justice and works to ensure the criminal justice system in Illinois is efficient, effective, and equitable.

Illinois Department of Corrections
Find links to policies and directives, as well as statistics about prison population demographics and crime statistics.

Illinois Department of Human Services
Provides Illinois residents with access to integrated services, to help them move from welfare to work and economic independence and overcome challenges to self-sufficiency.

Illinois Department of Public Health
IDPH is comprised of 12 offices that oversee different programs, and are responsible for the oversight of more than 200 distinct areas of public health for Illinois residents.

Illinois Department of Transportation
IDOT is responsible for strengthening, maintaining, and expanding the  Illinois transportation system, while considering trends in the transportation industry and all related systems and services.

Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
The mission of the IEPA is to "safeguard environmental quality, consistent with the social and economic needs of the State, so as to protect health, welfare, property, and the quality of life."

Illinois State Board of Education
The ISBE oversees all aspects of public education in Illinois, to include student learning, learning conditions, and preparation of Illinois educators.

Vehicle Services
The Vehicle Services Department processes vehicle titles and registrations, issues license plates and renewal stickers, and maintains vehicle records.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License